Dear Fellow Owners,
I hope this letter finds all of you well. As we go into our prime winter season, I wanted to give you the final update of the year on our property:
Board Election Results:
Our election is complete. You might remember we did three new things this year:
- We increased the terms for directors to 2 years
- We staggered the board timing so there will only be three open positions each year
- For this the transition year the board members with the top three number of votes get two-year terms and the remaining three directors will receive one-year terms
The results of this year’s election are as follows:
Elected for a two-year term:
- Al Kenney
- Joe Ferguson
- Tom Kaplan
Elected for one-year term:
- Tim Hall
- Peter Wells
- Bruce Clay
Thanks to everyone who ran for the board and were prepared to volunteer their time to our owners and the property.
2024 Float Time Selection Process:
Our Float process for 2024 will take place in mid to late January. Week selection forms will be distributed the second week of January, and you will have two weeks to complete and return your form. The East West Hospitality Owner Relations Department will make the selections according to your priority numbers beginning in February. You will be notified of your completed reservations by email in mid-February. Please keep an eye out for detailed instructions in January.
Billing for 2023 Maintenance have been Sent Out:
Bills for 2023 maintenance were sent out on December 2, 2022 and are due on Jan 1, 2023
- An automated Vantaca Owner Portal Login was generated for each homeowner to enable their access to the new owner portal.
- In addition to the 2023 TAMR Assessment Owner billing statements, all homeowners were sent a letter providing additional breakdown of assessment and payment options; the 2023 Approved budget and HOA Collections policy; and the Board letter explaining the increase of assessments.
- If you have not received this information, please contact the East West Hospitality reservations team at or 833.393.0981.
No Pets – Policy Enforcement:
Just a reminder that the board is working with the East West Hospitality management team to ensure that our “no pets” policy is strictly enforced. As of now the only animals which will be allowed on the property will be legitimate trained service animals.
- When an owner’s disability is not readily apparent, the association will furnish a form to the owner requesting that the owner’s physician verify that the animal is a “service animal” before the animal will be allowed to stay at the property. This form will be referred to as the “service animal ownership form.”
- Service animals must remain with their owners at all times when they are on-site at TAMR. They cannot be left alone in the room at any time during the time the owners stay at our property.
- Emotional support animals are not service animals and are not allowed on property.
- Please keep in mind:
- The people responsible for enforcement of our no pets’ rule are our employees, and it is important that you keep in mind that they have no choice in the matter. Please do not cause a difficult or unpleasant situation by bringing your pet which is not a service animal to the property.
- Should you arrive at the property with a pet that is not a service animal, you will not be allowed to check in unless the pet is boarded. The nearby Aspen Animal Shelter is available for boarding your pet.
Our Lobby Remodel Has Started!
If you are on property this week you may have noticed we are underway on our property renovation. The lobby is sporting a new coat of paint, red cloth panels are being replaced. Unfortunately, the global shipping issue has made it impossible to get the key items we need so you will be seeing new things throughout the winter. Keep your eye out for our rendition board and updated lobby decor.
There are no new developments to report in our litigation with our former attorneys as we wait for the arbitration to be scheduled later next year.
Add Multiple Numbers to our Owner Texting List:
If you want to keep informed and ensure you always receive our correspondence, please contact East West Hospitality reservations at to add one or more cell numbers so we can add you to our texting list. Make sure you let them know what unit number the phone number is associated with. This list is only used by the board and East West Hospitality to notify you of important information you should know.
Happy Holidays!
On behalf of your board, we want to wish you all a very happy holiday season! We look forward to a wonderful 2023!
Al Kenney
The Aspen Mountain Residences Condo Association, Inc
Board Members and Owner Director Contact Information
Joe Ferguson –
Tim Hall –
Al Kenney –
Thomas Kaplan –
Peter Wells –
Bruce Clay –
Jami Champagne (HPC Contractual Appointed Member of the Board)